Promoting Quality in Teacher Education

ITE Secondary Forum (MSH, Conference Hall)

Committee ITE Secondary Forum
Date(s): Tuesday 18 June 2019
Time(s): 10:45 am - 3:00 pm
Venue: Mother’s Union (Mary Sumner House)
24 Tufton Street
Map (Google Maps)

The forum meeting will follow a 2-part morning symposium discussion (10:45 am – 12:30pm). The first part of the morning will focus on 'becoming a teacher educator' and be led by Liz White (Herts) and David Woodwrad (Worcester). The second part of the morning will be around around lesson planning. Andrew Carroll (Brunel) and Bryony Black (Sheffield) will share their approaches.

£43.00. Lunch is provided from 12.30 pm.

The afternoon forum starts at 1:00pm and finishes no later than 3:00 p.m.

If you are registering to attend the morning discussion, please can you raise a purchase order via your departmental administrator. Invoices are sent after the forum.

The agenda and background papers are now available to download opposite. Please note that item 7b is a hyperlink.

Registration is now closed. Please contact us if you wish to attend.