Promoting Quality in Teacher Education

DfE: ECF Reference Map (March 24)


The Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework (ITTECF) lays out ‘the entitlement of every trainee and early career teacher (ECT) to the core body of knowledge, skills and behaviours that define great teaching’.  The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has independently assessed and endorsed that the claims made within the framework – particularly the ‘Learn that’ knowledge statements – accurately reflect the evidence sources from which they have been drawn. 

Please see the attached full document.

The Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework (ITTECF) lays out ‘the entitlement of every trainee and early career teacher (ECT) to the core body of knowledge, skills and behaviours that define great teaching’.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has independently assessed and endorsed that the claims made within the framework – particularly the ‘Learn that’ knowledge statements – accurately reflect the evidence sources from which they have been drawn.

The framework references represent the evidence base from which the ‘Learn that’ statements have been
developed, in conjunction with the practical expertise of the advisory groups who constructed the framework
statements themselves.
The framework references are not, however:

• A mandatory reading list for accredited providers or trainees/early career teachers, or
• A comprehensive list of all associated and relevant evidence to statements – accredited providers will
inevitably need to supplement and diverge from the references to teach the core knowledge and skill

The reference map

This document gives accredited providers of initial and early career teacher training a list of the relevant references from the framework reference list that are associated with each of the ‘Learn that’ statements – see table below. This is intended to support providers to see how the reference list for each framework section maps to the specific ‘Learn that’ statements. The table also indicates where a statement is new (all red) or amended (partially red).

When using the reference list and table below, it is worth remembering that:

• The DfE framework marks some of the references with an asterisk (*) to indicate that these are
recommendations for further reading. However, there is no expectation that these references are mandatory
reading for providers or participants, and they do not need to be treated as any different to other references
in the framework. They have been identified as recommendations for further reading usually because they
are freely available rather than behind academic logins or paywalls.
• The ‘Learn that’ statements make a range of claims about teaching and learning practice. Some claims
suggest the likely impact or effectiveness of approaches, others are more theoretical in nature, and some are
simply descriptive of common conditions and practice.
• Statements have been drawn from particular sections of or findings from the framework references, and
therefore the statements are unlikely to ever represent the source as a whole.
