Promoting Quality in Teacher Education

UCET Assembly (formerly Management Forum)

Committee Management Forum
Date(s): Tuesday 5 December 2023
Time(s): 10:30 am - 3:00 pm
Venue: Online by Zoom

Please note that the morning symposium is now free to attend; there is no charge on this occasion.

The forum meeting will take place using Zoom video-conferencing software, unless agreed otherwise. The topic of the UCET assembly will be on equality and diversity issues in ITE. Speakers include Catherine Gladwell (Refugee Education UK) and Pinky Jain (Leeds Beckett University).

Please register if you are plannning to attend the morning session so we have a record of institutional attendance.

Please ask your departmental administrator to raise a purchase order. Invoices will be sent after the event. Please note we can only waive invoices if you have an OfSTED inspection or if you are unable to attend the morning symposium due to a serious personal issue; please let us know this in advance if possible:

The agenda and background papers for the afternoon will be circulated by email, along with separate Zoom links for the morning/afternoon sessions.

Registration is now closed. Please contact us if you wish to attend.