Promoting Quality in Teacher Education

DfE: ITT provider accreditation guidance on Stage 2 of the Market Review process (20th November 2022)


Please see the link above to guidance for ITE providers on Stage 2 of the accreditation process, published 20th November 2022. A short summary of key process points, based on an initial read of the documents, is below.

Initial teacher training (ITT): provider guidance on stage 2 - GOV.UK (

The Stage 2 process will involve DfE carrying out curriculum checks and the readiness of providers to deliver in terms of mentoring, intensive training & practice and practice and partnerships. Providers will be asked to submit curriculum materials relating to the ‘How Pupils Learn’ section of the CCF to DfE. Providers accredited following round 1 of the accreditation process will be invited to submit materials this month, while those accredited in round 2 will receive requests in either December or January. All providers will have 10 working weeks to provide the materials requested, although extensions may be granted in exceptional cases.

The curriculum checks will assess whether:

Readiness to deliver checks will begin in November for successful round 1 applicants and in January or February for those accredited as part of round 2.